
The RCMP is a strong supporter of restorative justice and has put together a training program to educate community volunteers in running its forums, known as Community Justice Circles. The Williams Lake Community Council for Restorative Justice has a team of trainers ready to offer training sessions when there is enough interest from community members. Our trainers have also responded to requests for trainings in other parts of the province.

The training usually takes place over three days: a Friday evening, Saturday, and Sunday. After completing that training, individuals who are interested in learning more about our group and, perhaps, becoming one of our facilitators are invited to attend one of our monthly dinner meetings.

They are then invited to fill out applications for membership and criminal record consent forms.

Those who go on to become members then begin the facilitator certification process which involves taking on facilitator roles under the guidance of our certified facilitators. After the applicants have completed five circles successfully as facilitators in training, they are eligible to become certified facilitators.

Taking the training doesn’t obligate trainees to become facilitators.  Those who don’t go on to become facilitators often make use of what they learned in their daily lives.

One of our trainers also offers Peace Making Training which you can find more about through contacting us.

We are in need of certified facilitators. If you think you might be interested taking our training or if you have questions, please contact us.

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